Research lines

The integration of research, development and innovation activities related to agricultural production systems will be based on the following lines of research:

  • Plant Production, Physiology and Breeding:

It aims to develop research on the physiology and ecophysiology of cultivated plants, post-harvest physiology and the analysis of quality parameters related to the processing of agricultural products. It also encompasses the study on plant genetic resources and plant breeding by the application of classical and molecular biometric methodologies.

  • Pest, Disease and Weed Management:

It is characterized by the generation of basic and applied knowledge about the rational management of pests, diseases and invasive plants affecting the production of the main crops of economic interest. It also seeks the development of technologies in the integrated management of insect pests, plant pathogens and weeds, as well as the biochemical study on plant-insect and plant-pathogen interactions.

  • Agricultural Mechanization, Soil and Water Management and Conservation:

It encompasses research projects related to the optimization of the use of agricultural machinery and implements, as well as the assessment of technologies for soil management and conservation and the efficient use of machines, fertilizers, correctives and plant nutrition. It also includes the rational use of water in irrigation systems and the assessment of the use of agricultural and / or industrial waste in agricultural production systems.


Secretaria do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia – Produção Vegetal
38810-000 – Rio Paranaíba-MG
Caixa Postal 22
Tel: (34) 3855-9331

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